Along with many bug fixes, there are four new guns

Infinity Ward just launched another patch for Call of Duty Warzone, and with that patch comes new weapons, a few player-requests for new features, and a bunch of bug fixes.

Call of Duty Warzone New Weapons and Damage Adjustments – April 1st


Now that the new patch for Warzone is live, you’ll be able to find four new weapons on the ground and in supply boxes. These weapons include the 725 Shotgon, MK2 Carbine Marksman Rife, EBR-14 Marksman Rifle, and the .50 GS Handgun. You’ll find them in either common or uncommon rarities.

Due to the addition of another shotgun, Infinity Ward has decided damage output for shotguns in general to balance things out a bit. Now a single normal shotgun blast won’t be a one-hit kill to a fully armored player. A shotgun paired with Stopping Power, however, will be able to one-shot kill if you’re within the right range. No other real balance adjustments were made, but you will notice that you can’t stack self-revive kits anymore, which could change things a bit.

Other Changes to Warzone in the April 1st Update

Less important updates have also been made, and you might notice them right away. Even notice how someone that disconnects in Last Stand mode didn’t drop their items? Well, that has been fixed. Furthermore, if you down someone and they leave the match, you’ll still get credit for the kill. If you’re knocked out and just spectating, you’ll earn 40-percent of the Plunder payouts from contracts completed by the people you’re watching.  Here’s a list of other tweaks and fixes:

  • Fixes to help prevent hitching when interacting with Cash Deposit Helicopters and Recon Contracts
  • Fix for a rare bug that allowed players to equip two riot shields if they had two different camos, but only one would appear on the player
  • Made it easier to see which item is selected while using a Buy Station
  • Updated button layout for equipment while using gamepad
  • Fixed a bug for players are not receiving a banner on the top right of the screen for allies or enemies initiating kill streaks 
  • Prevent bullets that hit the riot shield from depleting player armor
  • If a player flies the Recon Drone out of bounds, the player will hear the out of bounds countdown timer but will not see the countdown splash on their screen. This has been fixed
  • Fix for various and potential exploits
  • Field Upgrades: Fixed a bug where some Field Upgrades were not ending at the end of the pre-match
  • Reduced the amount of cash given for averting a bounty
  • Increased price of Loadout Drop within the Buy Station to $8,500

If you want to learn more of the specifics, you can head over to the official patch notes on Infinity Ward’s website. Otherwise, you can check out what came with the March 25 update or learn about why you’re probably having trouble winning a match in Warzone.